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How much are shooting rights ?


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For £1000 I will take you out for the afternoon :yes::good::lol:




They were offered to some of my farmers for £ 1.50 per acre earlier this year

But when they told the estate they wouldnt pay to shoot pest they sold them to an eight strong syndicate for £5 per acre

They bought the rights to 800 acres for 4k for 3 years .


Unfortunately the estates seem to want to sell them on in large areas and 800 was the smallest of the 3 lots .


Think you may struggle to set up for a grand

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  • 3 weeks later...
For £1000 I will take you out for the afternoon :good::good:???


They were offered to some of my farmers for £ 1.50 per acre earlier this year

But when they told the estate they wouldnt pay to shoot pest they sold them to an eight strong syndicate for £5 per acre

They bought the rights to 800 acres for 4k for 3 years .


Unfortunately the estates seem to want to sell them on in large areas and 800 was the smallest of the 3 lots .


Think you may struggle to set up for a grand

Split four ways, does not sound bad. It does depends where it is.



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How do you get shooting rights?



In a nutshell-By being in the right place at the right time.


I have always found that the stuff that comes up formally for tender is also of an un personal nature between yourself and landowner. I have rented plenty of land over the years on differing scenarios.


I.E He does'nt know you and all he wants his your money. While this relationship does work for some in the some of cases in others it does not.


I have always found the best shooting to be had is by the chance encounter or getting to know a landowner who gets to know and trust you.


I am talking about game rites here though-I know there are so called pest syndicates that exist where it is a pay per year basis but inevertably these do not work-Simply becuase the vermin control is then on the payer terms and he goes when he pleases and not the landowner, which does not fit in with the critique of pest control.


The best shooting rights I ever picked up was 86 ( yes just 86) acres of the most perfect shooting ground you could ever want. Bordered a main estuary, contained seven flight ponds, brilliant woodland with all the remainder down as rough scrub set aside.


My payment for this.... nowt...I pulled the landowners wife motor out of a ditch and took her home while going to a another shooting area.

There was tears in my eyes when the owners passed away and nouveau rich numptie couple bought it and turned it over to a wildlife trust,who in time more or less destroyed the habitat with their weird ideas of conservation.


On the other end of the scale I rented 400 acres for 2k a year, and had it for two years. it was flat as a pancake and every year another ditch was filled and another pond disappeared into thin air-It was absolutley pointless shooting and of an impersonal nature between myself and the owner. It was just stuff you, pay me scenario.

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