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Hare coursers on boxing day!!!!!!!!&#3


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i have, as said never been challenged mark!! dont tell me you have never broke the law?? !!!

you have met me mate and seen the dog i run..do you think i am a CHAV???


Having met you mate i would say no.

but reading your posts on here some would think you are.

having never been challenged dave does not make it right, if a peedo never gets caught is that ok?.

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Having met you mate i would say no.

but reading your posts on here some would think you are.

having never been challenged dave does not make it right, if a peedo never gets caught is that ok?.

deffinately not mark..but you cant make a comparrison to me takin the odd hare with my dog on land i shudnt be on to what them scumbags (and they most deffinately do warrent the use of the name)get up to!!!

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dont think anyone believes the world revolves around them because they have guns, i think the general problem here is with people TRESPASSING and POACHING, and the fact theyre carrying out an illegal activity (in mainland anyway) to boot :yes:


after having trouble in the past with a similar type of idiots i whole heartedly agree with martin. maybe the fact that firearms owners have to go through so much legal cr4p and form filling (which im now doing) leaves us with a healthy respect for the law, due to the fact that if we participated in that type of illegal activity we would expect to lose our guns at the very least,never mind having poaching/armed trespass thrown at us as well.

Totally agree B) same ******* who chase deer as well :P

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i assume you like motorbikes goin off your profile pic..should we tare you with the same brush as the idiots we see doin silly speeds up and down the streets and putting other peoples..as well as there own lives at risk??? all am sayin is you cant judge everyone on how a certain few go about there business!!!



deffinately not mark..but you cant make a comparrison to me takin the odd hare with my dog on land i shudnt be on to what them scumbags (and they most deffinately do warrent the use of the name)get up to!!!


Mate, we are never going to see eye to eye on this :yes: I'm not sure what my riding motorbikes has got to do with it, but if people wrongly stereotype me as a biking hooligan that's their problem not mine. By your own admission you trespass illegally on land not belonging to you, and then commit a criminal act. If you can't see how wrong that is, then we live in different worlds from each other.

Edited by Blunderbuss
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deffinately not mark..but you cant make a comparrison to me takin the odd hare with my dog on land i shudnt be on to what them scumbags (and they most deffinately do warrent the use of the name)get up to!!!


try this one then.

if you where to wake up one morning and find a dog or too missing out of your kennels

foot prints all over your garden, gate broken where they got in,

would you just shrug your shoulders and say well its just a dog there stealing.

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it does make you wander why people seek permision to shoot but think it is O.K to poach steal someone's hares if they are using a running dog

piano wire accross gateways slows dogs down and so does a well placed projectile




thieving scumbags breaking and interpreting the law to suit themselves and in the process giving all other field sports a bad name

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Whether you agree with it or not, coursing hares is illegal.

If you want to use the, "so is speeding" argument, then the equivalent would be someone speeding round your garden, because coursing requires trespassing.


Its pointless to post on a public access shooting Forum and try to justify an illegal act, not only is it pointless, its also stupid.


I make these comments having probably coursed more hares when it was legal, than most people on this Forum.

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