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boils on stomach


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I've noticed this a couple of times after a day out rough shooting with the cocker; the following couple of days she gets little boils appearing on her stomach, which releases a creamy puss when burst. Is this common? Anything I can do to prevent or cure it?


Thanks in advance,



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Got the same with my clumber pup - Don't seem to cause her any discomfort and disappear after a few days


Same with mine FCS, but they don't look very appealing. Just wondered if anyone had any insight into how to get rid of them etc.





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Look up impetigo, maybe this is what your dog has. Mine was diagnosed with this as a pup..common apparently. Here is a link that might explain it, but as always best to consult your vet. Good luck.





Good shout T33 :good:


The image certainly reflects what she has when it's at its worst.


Here's an updated link:







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