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pellet lube


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I tried it when I had my fx2000, and to be honest, I thought it was ****. It made the gun innacurate for some reason and it started to diesel after a fair bit of use.

Not worth the money in my opinion but there may be others with a different point of view. :yes:

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I have always used napier pellet lube in my rifles and have never had any problems with 'dieseling' or inaccuracy.

Use it sparingly with only about 4 drops in a new box of pellets (250) and it will last for ages. Some folk will scrupulously clean their pellets prior to doing this but I dont.


I'm sure you will get varying opinions but the best thing is just try it. (the stuff is cheap enough)



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To cause dieseling, you need a blob of lube in the back of the pellet.

If applied correctly that won't be a problem.

I use Lubro-teknik, costs more than the Napier lube but you get about 5x as much

Comes in a handy atomiser spay.

Easiest way to use is tip a full can of pellets into a re-sealable food bag, couple of quick sprays, seal the bag & roll 'em around for an even coating.

I'm not going to say it improves accuracy, but it does help keep your barrel clean.

Also if you're going to have a can of pellets open for a while, it helps prevent oxidisation.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i use light oil or napier to lube my pellets. first you put your pellets in a small plastic container with lid (something like those plastic boxes you get from take-aways) and put a 3 small drops of lube on the lid. then quickly put on the lid and turn the box upside down. roll the pellets around in the oilfor a long time makeing sure all of them get covered in a thin film of lube. don't put the lube directly on the pellets or you'll end up with clogged up skirts.

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