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Big shoot planned for this friday

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I have had a real problem with a group of birds hitting a large area across three fields .

Right on top of the marlborough downs in middle of nowhere but I have beeen recce it for two weeks and have aranged .

My dad to cover one field me other and a friend the other in the last week bird numbers have been growing daily .

In region of 5 6000 birds accross the 3 fields over 2000 acres of rape.

So will report on sat the bag results .

All the best Oth

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You still go shooting with your Dad..?? :)


How many telegrams has he had from the Queen..?? :good:


Best of luck OTH, keep us all posted, I hear them Woodies down Wilts way are suicidal. :yes:



Hi Cat

Dads about 75 now still going mad standing out in this weather he spent his cold weather payment on cartridges instead of heating.

Oth is a name I used on another forum as my favoured name on forums was used up on PW .

I only a wee slip of a lad at 36 so my forum name does not denote I am Over the hill.

Wilts woodies do seem slighly more decoyable I think there not so much pressure in wilts I see more shooter in oxon than wilts.

Cheers OTH

Edited by Over the hill
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