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Help with FAC


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Hallo all

My father in law (living abroad) has a .22 lr passed on to him from his father. He now wants to give the rifle to me, which makes me very happy. If anything, the rifle is of sentimental value as I do not think it is worth much. My problem is that I do not currently have a FAC and I need to get one. I am aware that there are two ways I will be granted a FAC. Join a shooting club or get land permission. The former is something I will do, but I was advised that there is a 6+ months probation period before I am accepted as a member and thus been allowed to apply for a FAC. The latter is also problematic as I have unsuccessfully looking for land permission to shoot my shotgun for over a year now, so I know that getting land cleared for a rifle is probably even harder. I therefore turn to PW members for help. Is there any way I could tag along with one of you in one of your permissions? I promise I will turn up as seldom or as often you require me. I just need to get my FAC sooner rather than later so I can accept the import of the rifle.


any help is greately appreciated.


Many thanks!


P.S: I live in Lancaster but I am willing to travel.

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if you can't get any farm land do what i did, have a look at some industrial areas... i have got permission to shoot my bsa s10 fac , ruger 10/22 and shot gun on an industrial area where i live, it has loads of open ground so im cleared for those and even a 17 hmr...

there should be loads of area's and farms around your neck of the woods that you can get permission on, also try looking for some insurance that covers you and your guns while your shooting as this goes a long way with the land owner as you look like you take the shooting seriously and you know what your doing... it also helps with the FAC

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The last post by me was a bit short so -

If you apply and the circumstances are as you say, and you have referees, you will get the grant as your FEO has to act within the law. If you have a shotgun cabinet you will not need to upgrade your security and if not, a single clamp will be sufficient so you're not spending uneccessarily. You could also display the gun if you so wished, but I haven't met anybody yet who would want to do that. PM me if you get stuck

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Thanks for the replies guys. My Firearms dealer is a friend and there is no problem with him keeping the gun. He said so. I do have a shotgun licence, and thus a gun cabinet. So no problem there either. I think I will join a shooting club and wait the six months. It saves me going to the police twice, once to get the gun and once to get the ammo. In the mean time I shall try to get a friendly farmer let me shoot in his farm...

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