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moving house


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Id be tempted to just give the FEO a ring before you move and ask them, as differing forces may have different ideas.


Last time I moved, I didnt let them know until id actually moved in, got new cabinet fitted and guns back in it. Had no problems with FEO at all. At no point were the guns left unsecured, it was a straight move from old house to new one. If the move was going to take longer I would have left them in my Dads cabinet.


Ive heard that some FEO`s want to come out to your new house and make sure you have a gun cabinet secured there etc... but mine didnt.

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I called my FAO and told him my friend was moving, he allowed him to put his guns in my cabinet until he got himself sorted.

A couple of e-mails from me and my mate to FAO (he was the FAO for my mate and myself, and also the new area my mate was moving to, so this probably made things easier) and everythig was nice and easy. Put the guns in my cabinet day before he moved, and put them back in his cabinet in his new house a couple of weeks later.

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its worth noting that bunging them in someones cabinet is fine if they are shotguns but not if you've ones on FAC


All you need to do is move and make your cabinet the last thing you unbolt and fix it as soon as you're in the new house. Then inform your firearms dept, gets more complicated if you move counties then just send the details to the new county who will request your file from your previous one.

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