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Land Boundaries on GPS

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Does anyone here make use of a GPS plotter for marking boundaries on their permissions?


If I ever do get a permission I'd really like to ensure that I dont wander on to someone elses land or allow shot/bullets to do the same. It would also help me to ensure I covered the whole permission properly and plot the best spots/backstops etc. I think a side benefit is it would also help with land clearance as I'd be able to take the FEO to the places that matter most.


I've seen many different GPS's available but most just have co-ordinates and not an active map where you can plot boundary lines. The closest thing I have to this would be my boat sonar which has GPS plotting of sorts, however, I dont fancy lugging that around in a dark field considering its attached to a flaming heavy deep cycle battery.


Any input welcome :bye2:


Thanks guys/gals.


Edit: Too many uses of the word "spots".

Edited by notsosureshot
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I had a magellan GPS for a while. It ate through batteries and I didn't really need it. However, you can put in waypoints (it did not have maps) on the corners or places where the boundary changes direction. Some newer GPS units come with maps built in including topo maps and aerials.


That said, I prefer google maps. Then not only can you highlight your own permission, when you're going over it with the farmer you can ask who own this plot or that one and maybe get another permission from it.




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First get yourself a decent scale OS map book, take that with you when you go permission hunting then when you get the permission if the farmer doesn`t have a map he can give you then you can hand him your map book and ask him to draw his boundaries in it, it is worth buying yourself some of those coloured pencils that you can rub out with an eraser so you can colour code.

All my permissions gave me a map each and i then put that into my master book, also do the same as above get yourself a printout of your land off google earth then study it for landmarks, once you have studied it take it with you and walk your permissions in daylight, i do this all the time and have never needed a GPS or such like, i just memorise landmarks, doing this i know my permissions off by heart and know where i am at night and what i am shooting towards etc.

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