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Cheese and potato pie made today


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I thought I would give it a go and we had it with some bacon and garden peas, it was suprisingly filling.


serves 4

1 kg (2 lb) potatoes, peeled and sliced

8 oz (225 g) cheese, grated

2 eggs salt pepper

1 1/4 cup (1/2 pint) 300 ml milk

2 oz (50 g) butter, melted



1. Make alternate layers of potato slices and cheese in a buttered baking dish, ending with cheese.


2. Beat together the eggs, salt, pepper, milk and butter and pour into the dish.


3. Bake in a preheated moderate oven 180°C (350°F) Gas Mark 4 for 1 hour.


I kept mine in for I and a half hours to make sure tatties were cooked (slice em thin)



I will add a photo later but half has gone :)


Edited by harrycatcat1
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Add onions, bacon and mushrooms - This is a bit like pasta - You can experiment loads and get loads of lovely different tastes.


This used to be a staple towards the end of the month when i was younger - Use the basic recipe as you have written and then chuck everything left in the fridge that's on it's way out in as well. Luvverly!!

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Add onions, bacon and mushrooms - This is a bit like pasta - You can experiment loads and get loads of lovely different tastes.


This used to be a staple towards the end of the month when i was younger - Use the basic recipe as you have written and then chuck everything left in the fridge that's on it's way out in as well. Luvverly!!



Yes you are right mate you could add what you wanted, :) I am still stuffed with it. :)

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