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Weihrauch HW80


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Taken from the V-mach instructions :)



Check that the rifle is uncocked and unloaded.



Remove the stock screws (trigger guard and forend) and lift off stock.



Tap out the trigger retaining pins, front and rear, and remove trigger unit, safety catch and spring.



To unscrew trigger block (which is usually very firm) insert a steel or brass block into the trigger housing slot and strike sharply anti-clockwise with a small/medium hammer. Once the trigger block is hand tight, continue to unscrew and remove with the aid of a spring compressor.



Open barrel remove the locking nut on the barrel pivot bolt (right-hand side).



Remove pivot bolt and spring washers, detach the barrel, taking care to ensure the safe removal of the shim fitted each side of the barrel block. There is no need to dismantle the barrel linkage arrangement any further.



Remove all internal components and degrease piston and compression chamber thoroughly and dry.



Prise off the piston seal and replace with the seal provided.

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just be careful not to scratch owt, youll never forgive yourself :good:


be carefull when removing the trigger block as there will be a fair amount of preload on that spring. i wrap it up in rags, trigger block on the floor with muzzle end up on your knee unscrew slowly anticipating the pressure as it finally comes off..


can be a bit of a struggle getting a new spring in aswell as itl take a fair bit of strength to compress it and screw the block in at the same time..good luck :)

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