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When I was looking to buy a shotgun, the advice I got most was to make sure it fitted correctly from butt to trigger (LOP) but why is it you hardly ever see shotguns sold on here where the seller actually states what it is... yet the gun still sells?



Because you can take the gun into a gunsmiths and have it fitted by either chopping some off or having abit added.

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because most people don't have any idea what their gun measures and couldn't care less. Most all guns are built to a standard dimension and will fit the average shooter. Unless you are after some extreme dimensions (LOP > 15" or <14") then it doesn't matter much what a gun is as you can either deal with it or alter it to fit easily.




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I would say a lot of shooters use guns that don't fit them, they just just adapt their style to the gun.

Laying the stock on your forearm is also the most useless indication of 'gun fit' yet you still see people doing it.

If I laid my stock on my forearm there is no way I could reach the trigger and yet it fits me like a glove.

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