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One more off the Chicken Farm


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Out tonight with a more traditional set up compared to Monday.


Me on my own, lightforce 170 lamp, amber filter, dimmer coupled with my 243. I also had a couple of hand calls with me and my callmaster remote.


Up to the yard at the chicken farm, rig up under the nose of the two collies and make my way along the track beside the chicken houses, nothing to be seen at all so head to the field we had success in on Monday night.


Careful to hug the hedges as even though there was only a sliver of moon light the stars were out in force and it was pretty light. A bit of slipping around on the mud thanks to todays rain but I make it 150 yards up the hill and set the callmaster out about 50m in front. On goes the rabbit squeal and I set the rifle on sticks and start periodic scans. I get a set of eyes higher up the field on the edge of the wood but he backs away promptly and I am not sure whether it was a fox or badger. Odds on fox as we saw one there Monday night.


I stay put for 5 mins in the dark with the call going and have another look, nothing other than a tawny owl buzzing the call. In fact tonight there were owls all over the place, calling to one another in the woods.


I take the remote for my call out of my pocket and try a fox/vixen call. 10 mins of this and nothing so I retrieve the call and move up the hill to a long narrow field higher up. Over the gate and a quick scan and nothing other than 3 deer watching me and not worried at all.....brock is here again as well and I nearly stumble over him....hate it when that happens!


I try the call for a few mins again but nothing shows. As the wind has shifted a bit compared to Monday I decide to work my way back to the chicken area across a maize stubble field.....to be honest as soon as I started to walk across it I though I had made a mistake as the racket I made underfoot was enough to awaken the dead!!


First little field nothing and through the gate into the next larger one, I am now lamping down hill into the valley bottom and with the long stubble I have little hope of seeing anything until I get a set of eyes down on the bottom hedge moving to my right away from the chicken area.


I set the sticks up and try and get a bead on them but all I can see is the very top of the head and eyes, it is a fox at about 200 yards but no shot due to the curvature of the hill below me.......so I move forward as much as I dare as I don’t want to silhouette myself and start to call with the wam.


The fox looks and starts to move back to the chicken area...not ideal as it may wind me, it then ducks back to the right and I think I have blown it but she has come away from the hedge and seems in 2 minds what to do.


I keep calling and it decides I am worth a closer look......and starts to come up a tram line to my left.


I get my head down behind the scope and follow it and it then breaks into a dead run straight at me.....I realise I am still blowing the wam so stop, push it out of my moth and yell “OIIII!”.


It stops in it’s tracks at about 50m and I squeeze of the shot and 100gr soft point connects right between the eyes, due to the angle I am shooting at it travels right down the neck and turns the head to mush.


Lights out as quick as can be.


I scan the lamp back down the hill and there is another set of eyes on the hedge but he wont move and it is not a safe shot for me of sticks at over 200 yards. I try sneaking in but he wont have it.


So another vixen in the bag tonight, and at least 2 other foxes in the area so I need to keep up the pressure.




I have to say....I love it when you can call in a fox like that, to get them running right at you is a great thrill and I find the wam call one of the best call to get that to happen.



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