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I'm a gun on a small local shoot with a few mates and if we can afford it a few of us buy a couple of 75-100 bird days on other shoots. In December, four of us went on a 100 bird day with six other guns we didn't know, (these guys were considerably richer than us). We all introduced ourselves as normal and to be fair they were a really nice bunch but jesus, I've never seen people shoot like that before. They were all safe shots but 'sporting shots' they'd never heard of. :good: Birds flying low between the guns were shot up the a*s, I was leaving low birds over me to get shot even lower over other guns and a chap shot a woodcock two feet above a hedge in front of him and he hit it so hard it went back over the hedge ??? It was like it was a race! see who could kill the most the quickest. Very disapointed ??? What also surprised me was it seemed normal to the keeper, but we did go over the bag by 15, he didn't charge for the extra but I dont think we would of shot 100 if they were all sporting birds.

I dont think I'm going to bother booking anything this year, £275 a day is alot for me to spend watching others shoot low birds. They spoilt a day we had been excited about for months. ???

I'll just stick to our 15-20 bird days on our little shoot, good blokes, good birds, good port what else can you ask for ???

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been there and had the same experience and fell out with one guy badly, we were on a 200 bird day in devon and he shot 25 mediocre birds on the first drive. He was very lucky not to have my gun inserted up his backside. The moral of the story is get a few more like minded mates so you can make a team of 8 guns up that you trust to be sensible. We all know you can have a day where you get all the good stands and shoot more than others but you just can't have one or more guns taking the ****

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I was on a shoot this year with a few mates and a few mates of mates, all good shots and safe. The day was meant to be 150 birds. It was a woodland shoot so you could not always see what each gun was doing. Anyway we got to the end of the day and were having a chat whilst the keeper did a count up when a mate of a mate announced he shot 17 birds on the firsty drive and 22 on the second! The bag was counted up at 332 birds!!!!


We all **** ourselves and started to worry about how much cash we had brought!


Thing was the keeper was meant to tell us when we were close to the bag!

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I'm a gun on a small local shoot with a few mates and if we can afford it a few of us buy a couple of 75-100 bird days on other shoots. In December, four of us went on a 100 bird day with six other guns we didn't know, (these guys were considerably richer than us). We all introduced ourselves as normal and to be fair they were a really nice bunch but jesus, I've never seen people shoot like that before. They were all safe shots but 'sporting shots' they'd never heard of. :oops: Birds flying low between the guns were shot up the a*s, I was leaving low birds over me to get shot even lower over other guns and a chap shot a woodcock two feet above a hedge in front of him and he hit it so hard it went back over the hedge :good: It was like it was a race! see who could kill the most the quickest. Very disapointed :good: What also surprised me was it seemed normal to the keeper, but we did go over the bag by 15, he didn't charge for the extra but I dont think we would of shot 100 if they were all sporting birds.

I dont think I'm going to bother booking anything this year, £275 a day is alot for me to spend watching others shoot low birds. They spoilt a day we had been excited about for months. :good:

I'll just stick to our 15-20 bird days on our little shoot, good blokes, good birds, good port what else can you ask for :good:



All i can say mate is that its peolpe like that who are ruining our sport and give us a bad reputation they should never be aloud anywhere apart from in the garden with a spud gun!

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Now don't get me wrong here as I don't shoot game, but when you say "a sporting shot" do you mean a really high bird ?

Robbly, a sporting bird is one that is within the capabilities of you and your gun, and not one you could throw a stone at and hit it, ther'es nothing more satisfying that connecting with a bird thats high and fast. to shoot something that is low or close leaves a bad taste in your mouth,


BB. :oops:

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Now don't get me wrong here as I don't shoot game, but when you say "a sporting shot" do you mean a really high bird ?

Thats a good question because I could say "a shot that gives the bird a chance" but then that sounds a bit like I might kill it or I might just wound it. If I didn't think I could hit it (to high or fast) I wouldn't shoot but if it was 15yrds away and I couldn't miss, then I still wouldn't shoot. :oops:

So I suppose its a shot that tests my ability to its max but not to much that I'm likely to end wounding everything I shoot at.

I know everybodys shooting ability is different but these chaps were shooting a birds my nipper could shoot with her .410.

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You see this is a tough one, when i go on days i will leave loads of bird i perceive as being too low that are then shot by neighbouring guns. this is not to say they are unsporting full stop but not for me however that is not to say they will shoot more birds than me and often quite the opposite as they can't hit the good birds that are the majority so thats simple and fine as they are safe shots but just maybe not quite as sporting as me however its the shots that can shoot high low and anything in-between well that you need to look out for.



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Thats just what its like :good:



Isuppose we have to consider this.. as obvious as it may be.. from one angle the bird looks close, from the other angle far??.. but at the end of the day I think we all know in our heart of hearts we know whe to 'let one pass',, those of us that care about our quarry and it's humane dispatch that is. god that was deep!!!



BB. :oops:

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