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.22 magnum

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I agree. I'm told that the £/Euro exchange rate doesn't help and both my local stockists are charging the same within a few pence. Mind you, in my gun they are tasty, less than 0.75" group at 100yds and as said, I don't fire too many. Unless there's a make that I've missed, they have the highest muzzle energy of any WMR and out to 150yds still out-guns the Remmy 33gr which is no slow coach with a very good BC.



I'm more than confident I have never put RWS through a WMR, what part of the world are you in, I can't say I've seen any round these parts, I wouldn't mind trying some, even at those prices!!

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That may well have been me on another Forum, and is one of the reasons I bought a new WMR.


I was not at all happy with the performance of the Hornady 30g V Max. Groups were the worst of all my WMR ammo.


The Hornady V-Max and the Rremington equilivent both work well in my new one, as does 30 and 40g CCI etc! My old WMR had a short barrel and was the ONLY rifle I have ever bought used, I'm not making any particular suggestions, but everything works well in the "new" rifle...fortunatelty!!


My WMR is a CZ American with SAK, was full length but I had the barrel cut before I collected it to 19". All my rimfires are CZ, they do the job for me!


It was second last post on this page I think ... http:// rimfirecentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=319905


The more I've been thinking about it, there's no real gain in going from HMR vmaxs to WMR 30 grainers...I think the real benifit is when you start using the 40 grain bullets :hmm: mabye a hornet is the answer :good:

Edited by CZ452
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I'm more than confident I have never put RWS through a WMR, what part of the world are you in, I can't say I've seen any round these parts, I wouldn't mind trying some, even at those prices!!


I'm in E Devon and the availability may be explained by the fact that the importers are RUAG in Cornwall. I use them in an all weather 77/22 Ruger. This replaced my old Anny which was good with various makes. I never put the RWS through it, so a direct comparison is not on, but the Ruger/RWS is better than I ever had with the Anny.

However, although I'm sure all is well now, I will just mention this. I'd never heard of RWS rifle cartridges and only got them because nowt else seemed too clever. I am convinced they were older stock. The condition of the brass and the packaging would suggest this but of course I knew no better at the time of purchase. Fortunately, I shoot with prescription glasses as I had nasty blow-back, stung like hell on my cheek. The cylinder rims were splitting. I got them replaced and those and all that I have subsequently bought are fine.


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