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BASC Council Elections


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I received my BASC magazine a few days ago, enclosed was the voting paper for BASC Council Members.

I read the form with a little interest, and noted that there are 10 candidates standing for 5 positions. Its good to see that members are willing to support their association and stand for election.


The paper does not however state (as far as I can see) if I as a member should vote just the once, or 5 times or what?


As you would expect I fired off an enquiry to PW member DavidBASC whom was soon back with the answer.


You may vote for up to 5 candidates.


I'll enjoy reading what the various candidates have to say for themselves; maybe one day, when I retire I'll stand and do my best to put something back into the sport that I cherish.



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I would like to see some advice on who to vote for from shooters.


I am a member of BASC but do think that sometimes its a bit of an "Old Boys Club"


I do not know the candidates, I know that apperances can be deceptive, but some of the candidates do look like "old boys"!


Does anybody know any of the candidates?? Who in anybody's opinion will best represent the shooters in the field?

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Neil Griffiths, works on the BASC Arran deerstalking scheme and runs a number of deer stalking leases in Scotland, met him once and seems like a decent guy. Lee Freeston is a wildfowler on the south coast, already on council and seeking re election, done a good job so far in the postion. David Degernier, another wildfowler, this time from Scotland. Now taken over the running of the wildfowling forum from Eric Begbie.

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Since the question was asked. As above. Vote for Lee Freeston and David De Gernier. Both are experienced shots with plenty of practice at dealing with issues in the real world.


I shan`t be voting for any of the candidates who are currently employed in the shooting industry. With no disrespect to their integrity, it will be difficult for them to act impartially in areas where there is a vested interest.


Another candidate admits that he was previously forced to step down from Council after he had served on it for 15 years.


It`s worth remembering that you don`t have to vote for five candidates unless you really want to. It`s a first past the post election and you might find that your preferred candidate is pipped at the post by another where your five votes have effectively canceled out the lead that your preferred candidate might otherwise have had.


For that reason I`m voting only for the above two candidates to ensure their election.

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Although you can vote for up to 5 candidates, you do not need to vote for 5. In effect, any vote for a candidate other than those you positively want elected are votes against them.


In my case I shall be casting two votes only - for Lee Freeston and David de Gernier.


I have known Lee for many years. He is currently chairman of the Wildfowling Liaison Committee and has done great work for wildfowling, often against the odds.


David is secretary of the East of Scotland Wildfowling Club and has huge experience of negotiating with government departments.


Both these guys will put in hundreds of hours of effort for all shooting sportds, especially those of "the ordinary working man". Importantly neither will cow-tow to the staff at Marford Mill or give any undue weight to the "posh" end of the sport who tend to get a greater voice than they deserve.


To maintain shooting as an all-inclusive sport that anyone can get access to, I seriously recommend that you consider giving your votes to Lee Freeston and David de Gernier.


And remember that if you lost the ballot paper that came with the magazine, you can vote online on the BASC website


On this Forum you read a lot of complaints about BASC. They are not always justified but the surest way of changing BASC to be the organisation you want, is to vote for "ordinary shooters" like David and Lee. If you don't vote, you lose any right to complain if you don't like what the organisation does.

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