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i don't like waring gloves but these are open palmed so i might give them a try. any help much appreciated.



I also dont like gloves much, but it gets real cold on the river in jan, so I tried some fishing noeprene ones that have split fingers that can be folded back on velcro (trigger finger in my case) have to say worked a treat, about £10 a pair most tackle shops sell one brand or another and you can test them first B)



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:lol: I think more needs to be said on the headnet :lol:


:lol: OK - so it's been seriously mild of late - and most of us have got a helluvasweaton while stalking with thick headgear? ;)


:lol: Took the hat off and felt blessed relief at the cool air passing over us ? :)


:lol: Yikes too late - the quarry spotted our pearly white skin! :lol:


Sound familiar?


I have yet to field test the head net - but it sounded EXACTLY like something I mentally wished had been invented (so without knowing of their existence) and bought one when I stumbled on it looking for gloves


WOW! it's like looking out of a room through the net curtains - it's always brighter out there than "inside" - even in the dark!


It's difficut to detect my skin in a mirror - close up!


Outward vision is better than you would imagine - (98% ish) and this is the important part - there's no part of it that "drifts" in front of your point of view, or fouls your scope as you take aim - or rustles against your ears as you walk - which usually sounds "o-so-loud"


And you dont get the sweat (human smell) on!


B) GET ONE NOW :lol:


EDITED to include this link:



Edited by Dave-G
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