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A good mornings out on oilseed rape .

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After a couple of good afternoons this week I tried my luck this morning with a firstlight start.


The birds have been pounding this field all winter but in one massive flock that %%% off with one shot.


But the birds have started to split up so started at 0700ish the field was very wet apart for the top of the field which is sandy.


The contractor have given up ferting as he was causing so much land damage with 5 tonne of tractor.


I setup on the wrong side first as wind picked up and was blowing in my face so up sticks to the other side .


The birds started to pull in quickly and was up to 50 in two hours.


Finished up with 92 for a hundred shots as I only took four boxs and the birds stopped coming so called it a day.


With one cracking pick up from a ditch by merlin he was knacked afterwards as the pic shows.


And a crafty buzzard half inched one of my birds .


Just off now for a bit of roost shooting will post details tonight if I do any good but the last few weeks have been poor in that department.


All the best OTH

Edited by Over the hill
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Great bag OTH, but c'mon Pal, 92 birds for 100 shots, even Digweed can't match that sort of marksmanship...:D?:good:


I presume you'll be coming along to the PW Charity shoot at the end of May, to support the charity and no doubt walk off with the Winners prize if you're that good a shot. :(


Don't worry about driving such a long distance, I'm sure we can arrange a lift for you.


Are you up for it..:D



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Great bag OTH, but c'mon Pal, 92 birds for 100 shots, even Digweed can't match that sort of marksmanship...:D?:good:


I presume you'll be coming along to the PW Charity shoot at the end of May, to support the charity and no doubt walk off with the Winners prize if you're that good a shot. :(


Don't worry about driving such a long distance, I'm sure we can arrange a lift for you.


Are you up for it..:D




I am a fair shot Cat dont need to prove it have no desire to prove it .


As for shooting bits of clay flying though the air it just does not float my boat .


Regards OTH

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I think after reading many subject on this forum I can see why some shooter kill to cartridge is so bad.


They dont let the birds commit to the decoy pattern.


They shoot very light cartridges in very short barrels,I use 32 inch full choke in one and 3/4 in other.


My thoughts are the birds are getting more wary now on a day the birds are wary I have the skill and the correct gear to take longer range birds.


But if the birds are switch on I can still take birds just further out now if on the day the birds are wary and your sat in your hide with the birds passing 35 40 yards out with a 28 inch barrel and 28 grams of 7 1/2 shot of course you kill ratio is going to be poor compared to a shooter tooled up with 32 grams of full choke in 32 inch barrels.


32 grams of 6s from oct till end of march and then swop over to lighter 28s 6s .


With 3/4 choke and 1/2 choke as the birds are on average 10 yards closer in spring summer autum.


Also I shoot alot some there is two reasons shooters miss birds the birds is too far away for there skill level and cartridge performance.


The other is they are missing the birds eg the pellets are not even in the part of the air the birds is flying you cant kill something if the shot is somewhere else.


Sounds simple but with pratice a good cartridge to kill ratio is possable for most.


Regards OTH

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