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Sorry to say, they are renowned for it. :good:

Also not firing the second barrel. :good:

First I have heard of them being renown for it, do you know the reason it happens, most other guns that you hear this about, are due to poor cleaning of the back end rather than any design faults

Edited by ChrisAsh
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First I have heard of them being renown for it, do you know the reason it happens, most other guns that you hear this about, are due to poor cleaning of the back end rather than any design faults

the guns were brand new and only had about 50 shots through them,so it wont be a cleaning issue,in my experience i think they are ****,and when i complain to the dealer i get the impression he thinks im kidding or doing something wrong.

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I had 2 of them and both double discharged :rolleyes: . I bought mine in dec and i think they had it more in that time than i did! Anyways i took mine back and got a full refund. Apparently Bettinsoli produced a batch of them with dodgy sears and they dont know which ones are affected so cannot do a recall, so it seems like it the luck of the draw whether you end up with a decent one. Hope this helps


Tom :/

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If you get a Winchester select, get the select 2 stonecoat.

The first lot of selects were absolute rubbish and handled badly as any old Winchester shooter will tell you.

The select 2 is a far superior gun and at £1000 is a very serious bit of kit indeed. :blush:

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