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Rizzini Kid


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Despite the drizzle, and showers we had to go to our permission Saturday early P.M.

The ‘Kid’ was tour leader and I was really just in tow with him on the permission tour, he dun arf like to walkabout especially when I am carrying all the cartridges, a rucksack with all the provisions….


I knew sport would be slow as some Falcons had been flown earlier, so we meandered to the far end to our natural hides, and sat it out in the drizzle for a few hours and had an out door lunch.


The Kid was off with his long range shots,still getting to grips with his new Rizzer, what the heck, he is enjoying himself, and I had a miss with a ‘safety still on’……..doh…


An adjournment to base camp, and a brew was in order, I thought that would be it, the Kid has had enough….wrong…..off we go again, grrr…just wiped all the guns dry..

Young eyes score again,and he downed a crow with the 2nd barrel, He was well pleased his new gun has been ‘christened’…. I thought that’s it, wrong..another walkabout tour of the rabbit runs.


Saved by a phone call from the permission owner who has just got a Goshawk for training with his dog, that signalled all stop and the Kid was off to look at the new bird having some training.


The Kid’s quarry was well received by our permission owner,the legs perfect for feeding off the glove training.


Quote of the day – While in our hide a few Parakeets flew over, “noisy little *******” I said. The kid looked up and said “ waste of a cartridge Dad”


Thanks to the mega walkabout, the Kid was well worn out, and had an early night..result…got out of gun cleaning duties though….



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