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Might have trouble on the way


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Out shooting at dusk last night I came

across a lad shooting on my permission

so I had a wee word but tried to keep it



Easiest if I tell you the conversation I



"you can't shoot on here really mate"


"why can't I!?"


"cos you haven't got pemission to"


"how do you know!?"


"cos I'm the only person who has!"


"well dave said I could"


"no daves here mate"


"well who gave you permission to?"


"the guy who owns the land, ian. Look mate, if I were you

I'd stay in the woods, they're nothing to do with me"


"we'll see"


now, as it happens, a neighbouring farmer rents that field and his name's dave but I think

this lad's just trying it on, the land owner doesn't seem to know anything about it and doesn't seem bothered

but I can see it being a problem and don't really know what to do now?

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the words armed tresspass and custodial sentance worked a treat for me... a little covert spying caught me two lads lamping on one of the paddocks i shoot it only came to light after the missus skinned a couple of rabbits with pointed pellets in them one had two in the base of the neck i use domed pellets in the s410 didnt notice til the missus had them in the sink ...sat out one saturday night bingo caught them red handed like rats in the headlights told them armed response were on the way not seen them since :good::lol::lol:

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the words armed tresspass and custodial sentance worked a treat for me... a little covert spying caught me two lads lamping on one of the paddocks i shoot it only came to light after the missus skinned a couple of rabbits with pointed pellets in them one had two in the base of the neck i use domed pellets in the s410 didnt notice til the missus had them in the sink ...sat out one saturday night bingo caught them red handed like rats in the headlights told them armed response were on the way not seen them since :lol::whistling::whistling:




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Thing is, at the moment, I can't be

sure he's lying (I'll have a word with

dave if I get chance), but decoying

with three deeks and an air rifle in the

near dark screams tooser to me and I

must admit to not wanting him permission

or not.

just slap him and tell him to ****off that might work to m8 :good::lol::lol:
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Out shooting at dusk last night I came

across a lad shooting on my permission

so I had a wee word but tried to keep it



Easiest if I tell you the conversation I



"you can't shoot on here really mate"


"why can't I!?"


"cos you haven't got pemission to"


"how do you know!?"


"cos I'm the only person who has!"


"well dave said I could"


"no daves here mate"


"well who gave you permission to?"


"the guy who owns the land, ian. Look mate, if I were you

I'd stay in the woods, they're nothing to do with me"


"we'll see"


now, as it happens, a neighbouring farmer rents that field and his name's dave but I think

this lad's just trying it on, the land owner doesn't seem to know anything about it and doesn't seem bothered

but I can see it being a problem and don't really know what to do now?


If "Dave" rents the field it will probabally be for agricultural purposes. Scottish law would allow "Dave" to take or appoint someone to take ground game or vermin if they were a problem. Don't know what situation is with you.


On the rental front, now, as in pre-April is an odd time to have a field rented, unless it is a long term tenancy, especially if it is grass? Best get to the bottom of things with owner.

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Its quite possible the lad is doing nothing deliberately wrong.

If the Farmer who rents the land and plants the crops wants the pigeons kept off, then he may well have asked the lad to do it.

Neither the Farmer or the lad are likely to be land/sporting rights legal experts.


The matter can only be resolved between the Landowner and the Farmer renting the land.


I would draw it to the attention of the Landowner, but if he showed no interest, I would leave the lad alone.

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All makes sense cranfield, there's the obvious

issue of safety if I don't know he's there and

vice~versa, hence my concern.


I'll try to talk to dave and find out where I stand,

if he's legit I'll just have to accept it and be more

careful and if he's not meant to be there I'll do all

I can to get rid, as I tried to tell him, there's woods

there that no end of young lads use, they're owned

by the council but I've never known anyone have any

trouble and there's more to shoot in there!

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All makes sense cranfield, there's the obvious

issue of safety if I don't know he's there and

vice~versa, hence my concern.


I'll try to talk to dave and find out where I stand,

if he's legit I'll just have to accept it and be more

careful and if he's not meant to be there I'll do all

I can to get rid, as I tried to tell him, there's woods

there that no end of young lads use, they're owned

by the council but I've never known anyone have any

trouble and there's more to shoot in there!


This confusion comes up quite often when you shoot over land that is let. It really depends on the landowner but I have to say that most I encounter who let land to farming contractors etc dont really give a monkeys who is shooting it. At the end of the day as cranfield says you could easily be there legit and so can he.


I did have a case once when the guy who let some land gave me permission but in turn invoked all the original landowners shooters. As tenant you have rights as well.


I have to say that in the last 10 years since they have tigthened up a lot on this sort of thing I have only come across one guy who was effectively committing armed trespass, and even then it was a genuine mistake of being in a field he thought was where he could be.


I would'nt go in blazing until you know for sure as you can end up with egg on your face.

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Thanks, I know I'm on there legit, not sure about

this lad but I'm not one to go in all guns blazing.


Given the area (close to a rough part of town) I

suspect he's not got permission, get a good 5 a year

but none have ever argued it before. I'll see if I can

get hold of the tenant and sort it from there (if I ever

see the lad again). If he's legit fine but I could do

with knowing when he's there to save me wasted trips

and help to avoid accidents. Where he was, I've often shot

bunnies running along the wall he was laying on top of

(in the dark, in some sort of guilly suit).

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