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Woods or Field & permission for some pigeons?


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Some friends and ourselves are planning a "come dine with me" evening. Our plan was to serve up someting different. Maybe a pigeon recipee.


I was wondering the best place to pick off some pigeons.

Is it better to find a farmer and get permission with a bit of woodland or go for a field somewhere?


Would woodland be better as i dont have decoys etc. But i do have a fairly decent air rifle. HW57?


Is there a "season" for shooting pigeons?

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where are you? maybe someone can take you out for an hour to get a couple or give you some preshot, you never know you might end up getting a regular invite if they like you and ending up with some land to shoot :)


don't just go wandering off into the fields with a gun the farmer won't like it neither will the armed response unit! :unsure:

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you can't juust walk onto someone land and start shooting, this is seen as trespass with a firearm. ask farmers if you can shoot on threr land, especially if they have crops. you can shot pigeons all year round but only for one of the following reasons:

1.to protect crops

2.to protect public health and safety

3.to protect wildlife.

if your farmer has crops then you can shoot them under number 1. make sure you can get all your shots within an arear the size of a 10p piece before you even think about practicing on live quarry. head+neck shots only with wood pigeons. if it facing away from you a good place to go for is between the shoulder blades. a good way to shoot woodys (as they are know as) is to find a tree where they visit often. these are called 'sitty trees' you can find these by talking to the farmer or just walking around your permission. wait nearby to it for a pigeon to fly in. this can take sometime so be paitent. alternatively, you can find where they roost for the night (this should not be hard if you walk around your permission in early evening watching where they fly) and wait nearby for them to fly in. woodpigeons make excellent eating and there are many vids on the interent showing you how to prepare them. type in 'mark gilchrist pigeon' on your tube and there will be a good video. i cannot stress how important it is for you to be accurate enough before shooting woodys. your air rifle is a spring gun. this means it has some recoil. whatever position that you zero your rifle from will be the one you have to stick with. take a shot from any other position and it will be different.

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