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google search problem


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evening all.

hopefully someone will be able to help on this.

just went on google.co.uk , normally you cn choose between uk search and web search.

looks like the homepage has been altered and the buttons have disapeared.

anyone know how to limit search to uk sites ? :)



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Google now is blank apart from the search box, until you move the mouse on the page. I would understand this uses some kind of java or more recent HTML release. Update your browser and go to sun microsystems to get the latest java update :good:

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i've got it back ........... of sorts.

have to go to the igoogle page, whatever that is all about.

if i then go back to classic home it goes again.

looks like i've got to have loads of adverts up. hope theres none for guns or i may be tempted.


thanks for the input guys.

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