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1st night lamping for Mr Fox


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Well I went out today on the new bit of farm land where the foxes are taking the lambs

Had a good walk about and there are plenty of signs of bunnies being about as the bottom of the land as a railway embankment and there is also a garden centre on one side, which may need some investigation.


The sheep carcass in the field as been totaly eaten away so there must be some foxes around the area.


Plenty of double hedges running around the sheep fields, but i never seen a fox tonight, but you can smell them

Seen a few bunnies but will be out again at the weekend to give it another go.....


But god aint it creepy when you turn the light off :blush:

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Don't worry about the dark, its not that you should be afraid of, its what's in it :look:

Keep trying, your day will come. You will be out one night and you will spot the tell tail eyes, glowing like diamonds in the distance.

All the best,

Sam :blush:

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There are some strange noises that you will encounter that can cause a bit of concern when you first start lamping but you soon get used to them. You might want to carry a couple of silver bullets and load them in to your gun if you hear what sounds like a wolf howling during the full moon!

It's a bit like backstops in a way - It's not what you can see that matters, it's what you can't see that you should be thinking about! He, he, he!!!!!!!

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If you miss a fox with your first shot you better be good with your second as they run straight at you trying to bite and be very carefull if you bump into a badger as you cant shoot it and they run faster than you do so you have to be careful out there on your own, i find squealing like a dieing rabbit helps with the badgers as they don't come close then but the foxes can come running straight at you trying to bite you. HONEST its the truth, would i lie to you.lmao.


on a differant note. i was out with a friend one night and we where walking across a badger set in the middle of the field. the fell through and into one of the chambers doing damage to hit knee and unable to walk unaided. i left him there. no no i didn't, i helped him back to truck and got him home. if i hadnt have been there then i think he would have been in trouble.



where in brizzle do you live Ian?






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http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo266/a...huck/lecter.jpg have you not seen the missing persons list for your area on sky news, if i were you i would`nt go out on my own, and as for as turning the lamp off dont go there.

try "shouting "IS THERE ANYBODY THERE " i find it works



Edited by abiteachuck
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There are some strange noises that you will encounter that can cause a bit of concern when you first start lamping but you soon get used to them. You might want to carry a couple of silver bullets and load them in to your gun if you hear what sounds like a wolf howling during the full moon!

It's a bit like backstops in a way - It's not what you can see that matters, it's what you can't see that you should be thinking about! He, he, he!!!!!!!

i went out one night just got to the woods when a deer barked about 15 meters away **** the life out of me. another time i heard a noise in the bushes next to me when i put my light on it it turned out to be a golden lab just stood looked at me then ran of that was a bit spooky too


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