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At the Range Today.


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Well the weather was a lovely calm day, unusuall for these parts.

Had a good afternoon at the range today.

Shot a new bunch of factory ammo that i was trying out and got a plesent surprise.

The ammo in question was Federal Premium 64 grain Soft Point.

At 100 it grouped half an inch ;) , why ami suprised you ask, well my CZ has a 1 in 12 twist and i thought the max would be 55 grain, but i have prooven to myself, that thats not the case.

My new Cadwell rest worked a treat too. :lol:

Pic below of my group i got with the Federal 64 grain.

I bought the digital, but the flaming battaries had run out. :D :thumbs:

So the pic below is with me mobile phone.

I got new battaries for the digital when i got home, so have posted a pic of the ammo used below it. :D

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I hope your succsesfull Nick and wish you good luck appllying for it.

Id say howa are pretty good too from what i have read on them anyhow.

I was a bit spectical on the CZs at first, but advise from armchair rifle rewviews, are not very helpfull in my experience. I was told by a lot of people, to go for Tikka or sako, but unless you have a healty bank balance, this is not easy to do. ;)

However, when i got my CZ, it all changed as you can see. I just went by instict, had good experience from my 452 .22 lr, so went with a CZ .223 and love it. :thumbs:

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the truth be known the sako's and tikka's are just finished to a higher quality, accuracy wise there is not a massive difference in it, at hte end of the day almost any gun can be made to shoot accuratly with handloads (at this point i recall you cant handload) but my point is, the cz's might not feel as soild or be finished quite to the same quality, but they hold their own on the range more often than not, my old man has a .22 hornet in a brno (effectively cz) (old model which i cant recall exactly its number) it is about 25 years old, and has won me many sporting competitions, as well as a handfull of sub .240 sporter bench rest competitions, it is not to be under estimated.


keep up posted on your developments, its very intresting. think i shal be trying some 50grain vmax for my first handload with some vit N133, becuase these components are in the house and not getting used, so effectively free ammunition :thumbs: , but i have got to splash out for a set of fancy die's (with the micrometer reading for the seating depth) and some looooverly lapua brass

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I presume you are referring to handloading for a 223 when you refer to N133 and 50g vmax ?


If you are as fortunate as me you will try this combination and stick with it. I can still get 3/4" at 200 yards on one of my good days !!


I use Remi 7 1/2 BR primers and IMI brass.


Hope this helps.



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I too am beginning to wonder about this 1 in 12 and no more than 55grn theory...


I was given about 50 or so Federal Eagle 62grn to play with.

Apart from the fact they are cheap cr4p and don't group that well in anything (including a speedmaster with match barrel and trigger setup) they don't keyhole or seem unstabalised in any way in my CZ. Maybe the affects are more abvious further out, but I would have thought any problems would have been apparent at all ranges?


At the moment I am sticking with the Sako 55grns I just need to be ablee to get them for good price.

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yes that would be the load i intend to start out with, reason being, i have 200 vmax bullets around the house as my dad's 222 didnt like them, and he bought some n133 but never tried it, i also believe the n133 was designed for use in the 223.


just got to find the fuunds for it :thumbs:

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You get my point Stuart. I also have Remington 62 grain HPs, which group just under an inch, it seems CZs have a good barrell, that seems to group well with most types of factory ammo.

Now saying this, i have not grouped at 200 yet, but then as you said, at 100, it should show, if their was anything rong.

I had a mate with a Swift once that had a copper fouled barrell, at 100 it was fine, but at 300 to 400, it would keyhole, so i think more tests are in order yet.

Altough the swift is a 3 to 400 yd rifle and i dont think ill be going that far with my .223. When i get the chance, ill try it at 200 and if it groupes well, ill be happy with that, as im not going to shoot past 200 at night anyway, dont think most people do in reality. ;)

Sniper, if mine grouped like that at 200 :thumbs: , id be very happy with that. :D

Edited by Frank
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Wow Frank !!!!!



You do like to experiment and pretty impressive grouping with the Federal SP .When they did this brand in a Silver box i believe they called it the classic and they performed well in my gun.............Then they changed to the Blue box and called it Power Shok and having been told there was no difference they turned out to be Utter Rubbish :thumbs: 2" groups at 100yds ;)


I think you know what i'm sticking with mate and now i'm open i intend to get more land that is suitable to test the .223 to its true potential and to do that i'll be homeloading. :D


Keep up the research Frank :lol:



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