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Criminal Justice Act 1988


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Maybe it's the rules that need changing not people to comply with them. I personally would never carry a knife, would never need to have one on me mostly however I am not going to sit on a moral high horse being patronising to anyone who thinks different.


What happened to Britain we used to be a proud nation? Not one of please government take our knifes, guns and spoons away and tell us what we should eat, watch, behave like. If we can't understand this simple concept that we have turned "yella belly" we are lost as a nation.

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Maybe it's the rules that need changing not people to comply with them. I personally would never carry a knife, would never need to have one on me mostly however I am not going to sit on a moral high horse being patronising to anyone who thinks different.


What happened to Britain we used to be a proud nation? Not one of please government take our knifes, guns and spoons away and tell us what we should eat, watch, behave like. If we can't understand this simple concept that we have turned "yella belly" we are lost as a nation.


I really don't think you get this at all!!!


This is not about being a nanny state or controlling the population, this is trying to stop kids killing each other with knives.... simple.....!

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What happens for example if god forbid you were to encounter a very bad road accident where a person is trapped in their car by their seatbelt and you need to take quick action. Good luck on chewing the seatbelt off.


I agre better have a knife and not need it than not have one at all.

A blade less than an inch would cut through a seat belt.


How long would it take to retrieve a blade from your boot?


Why would you need to cut someone free if there was not a fire?


Some lumps on here want to carry a knife for safety sake, do they ensure that they have a working fire extinguisher and first aid kit?

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I really don't think you get this at all!!!


This is not about being a nanny state or controlling the population, this is trying to stop kids killing each other with knives.... simple.....!


Yes and you use emotional blackmail to punish people carrying knives without causing harm or alarm to anyone. This is exactly the same tactics that was used at Hungerford and Dunblane, get everyone scared and equate a horrible tragedy with a need for the law to be changed and handguns and semi-auto centrefire rifles being banned. After all, all these poor people just died, if you don't support the law you must be a psycho or murderer.


This is pretty much your standpoint the way I see it, the old cliche of some kids getting into gang violence stabbing themselves and for that the law is changed for most. It is not right and it shouldn't be done. I like to think that as a law abiding citizen I can carry anything I want without getting scrutinised.

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