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help ... my hw 80 is inconsistent.shooting .22 accupels.when zeroing it i get a good grouping for about 3or4 shots then the nx shot is couple inches out,this happens often and cant be the odd flyer,i have rcently taken a few coils off the spring cos it was overpowered,could this be why and if so would a new spring fix the problem cos think the spring been in it for a while . any help would be appreciated .. thanks

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Have you measured the power of a string of say ten shots over a cronogaph, it could be what you have done to the spring or it could be it just does`nt like the pellets.

What was the power before you altered the sping.



it was shooting 22ft<lbs.now shooting 9ft lbs,pretty consistent.ive tried h+n ftt ,which was what was recommended,but same story

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I did read some where that some Fac guns suffer accuracy problems when de-tuned just by cutting the spring, you may not want to spend any money but it may be worth trying a V-mach spring or the like for a 12 ft/lb rifle, the power may be too low it might want to run around 11.5ft/lb, I had a Venom Hw 80 years back , a heavy gun to lugg around a shoot, but nice and smooth to cock and very accurate.

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Dont bother with the spring. Get rid of it and put a gas ram in it. That way you will have a great gun with a smooth power system which will last years and certainly longer then an spring. I owned a Hw80 with a gas ram and i often wondered why they brought out the hw90 when you could convert your hw80 into virtually the same gun. I think gas rams sell for about £50 mark. And thats got to be cheaper then having it tuned up with another springer.

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I did read some where that some Fac guns suffer accuracy problems when de-tuned just by cutting the spring, you may not want to spend any money but it may be worth trying a V-mach spring or the like for a 12 ft/lb rifle, the power may be too low it might want to run around 11.5ft/lb, I had a Venom Hw 80 years back , a heavy gun to lugg around a shoot, but nice and smooth to cock and very accurate.



thank you for your input mate

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Dont bother with the spring. Get rid of it and put a gas ram in it. That way you will have a great gun with a smooth power system which will last years and certainly longer then an spring. I owned a Hw80 with a gas ram and i often wondered why they brought out the hw90 when you could convert your hw80 into virtually the same gun. I think gas rams sell for about £50 mark. And thats got to be cheaper then having it tuned up with another springer.



i have a hw 90,which is past its best but the ram etc is good how easy is it to put gas ram into my hw 80.any sites ,videos i can use..thanks mate

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once a air rifle is registered as a fac it stays a fac,but power is irrelavant,you can set it as low or high as you like. gas rams are fitted like a spring,easy on hw 80s


1. Ensure that the rifle is not cocked.

2. Remove fore-end stock screws and both trigger guard screws. Remove action from stock.

3. Unscrew complete rear trigger block from rear of receiver.

CAUTION: This block is under main spring tension and can be dangerous, take care.

4. Remove main spring and guide.

5. With a suitable pin punch drive front cocking lever pin out of the breech block. Lift out lever from

breech block and unhook from piston shoe. Lift shoe out of keyhole in forward end of cocking slot.

6. Push piston out of receiver tube (all parts removed from inside receiver are now redundant).

7. Clean out receiver tube of oil and grease residue ready for reassembly.

8. Lightly grease around (not in front of) piston crown (12ft/lbs conversion remove HW80 crown and fit to

conversion), cocking shoe slot and rear raised piston diameter. Slide back into receiver tube aligning

cocking slot in piston with slot in receiver. Fit replacement shoe provided. Screw trigger block in


9. Reverse strip down procedure, use Loctite 221 on all stock screws and conversion is finished.





Edited by codling99
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once a air rifle is registered as a fac it stays a fac,but power is irrelavant,you can set it as low or high as you like. gas rams are fitted like a spring,easy on hw 80s


1. Ensure that the rifle is not cocked.

2. Remove fore-end stock screws and both trigger guard screws. Remove action from stock.

3. Unscrew complete rear trigger block from rear of receiver.

CAUTION: This block is under main spring tension and can be dangerous, take care.

4. Remove main spring and guide.

5. With a suitable pin punch drive front cocking lever pin out of the breech block. Lift out lever from

breech block and unhook from piston shoe. Lift shoe out of keyhole in forward end of cocking slot.

6. Push piston out of receiver tube (all parts removed from inside receiver are now redundant).

7. Clean out receiver tube of oil and grease residue ready for reassembly.

8. Lightly grease around (not in front of) piston crown (12ft/lbs conversion remove HW80 crown and fit to

conversion), cocking shoe slot and rear raised piston diameter. Slide back into receiver tube aligning

cocking slot in piston with slot in receiver. Fit replacement shoe provided. Screw trigger block in


9. Reverse strip down procedure, use Loctite 221 on all stock screws and conversion is finished.









can i use the ram from my old hw 90 or are they different to the ones used for conversions

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