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Comb height / trap gun / point of aim for DTL


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I have a al391 and a silver pig 3 which both are sporters and shoot flat, thats what i like ( point of aim ) i like to shoot game, pigeons and sporting at clays all of which i can hold my own and even skeet ! but i hate DTL and it lets me down badly, i know i have to shoot it for part of the summer series again and for 75 mixed's. So my question is 1, how do i shoot it with a flat p.o.a gun? 2, will sticking a comb raiser on or some foam on the stock help?


A friend of mine who i only get to see know and again who is a complete dtl nut :lol: shot some dtl with me but using his trap gun told me as soon as you see it move with it and shoot it dont think just do it, it worked time after time. Went away, 2 weeks later using my gun doing the same did 9 out of bloody 25 ! :lol: :thumbs: :lol::P


Some body please help cos i avoid dtl like the plague and it will be coming up very soon.

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There's some good tips here


I think your problem maybe largely down to confidence now, with a different gun you felt more like you wouldn't have the problems that you do with your own. Have to believe in yourself and your gun and know that you can hit the clays. Feet square on to the trap house, tight chokes and self belief should have you smashing them nicely.

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if you can hold your own at sporting, and your gun shoots point of aim, you should know where your shooting. if you then only get 9 out of 25 at dtl there is something seriously wrong somewhere. :lol: you must have shot dtl type targets on the sporting shoots at sometime so just take them the same. :thumbs:

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Have you considered a session with a coach? ... reads like you're a class shot but with a bogey bird?

As said above DTL type shots are seen on sporting ranges but without the pads and set layout.

As to chokes .. use what you'd use for a bird about 30-35 yards away

Edited by seeker
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Thanks for that guys,

A friend of mine is a coach so i rang him today, He said shooting with a sporter that shoots flat will more than likley make you miss over the top because to shoot dtl with it you have to blank the clay out and when you do that you loose sight of it. He has told me to try a comb raiser or to change the shim in the auto to more like a 45, so i it cant get any worse so im going to give it a try !!! I will let you know how i get on, on sunday !

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9 from 25? hmm not the gun in my limited opinion I have done 10 lines of DTL and shooting a Fixed choke 28" SxS game gun (with one eye closed) I can hit 11-15 everytime. DTL is just a going away bird target. Start with muzzle on the back of the trap house, call a bird, BANG I was rifling my shots (due to only eye open) Also only take one shot at each bird dont waste the second cartridge until your up in the 20's, do you practice on your own or as part of a 5 man line?

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Well DTL came and its a fair to say changing the shim in auto has made a decent improvement ! I shot 16 / 25 (it was single barrel) could have been a bit better, i was rushing my shots to start with but then calmed down and found a rhythem !

Its still not my thing i prefere to swing the gun at targets, and i shoot gun down so to shoot mounted all of a sudden seems a bit strange ! But at least on 75 mixed's im not going to take as much of dive in a big way!!!

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