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What video camera?


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I am quite envious of some of the footage shown on this site by people who take a video camera out when hunting.


I see some very interesting things when out myself and would maybe like to get a camera to record them.


I have no idea what I should be looking to buy though and would like some advice for a basic starter video camera and probable cost. Something I could keep in my pocket, not too big.


I understand some have night vision aswell though that's not too important right now.


Any thoughts :good:

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PM Frenchieboy hes just done a good video and his first time

Ask him nicely and you might get voice lessons from him too

Voice lessons don't come cheap.

I use a Samsung VP-D371W Mini DV Camcorder that I got off fleabay for £55.00 (Including postage and loads of brand new Tapes). I have a mount made that fits the camcorder on the top od my scopes which seems to work fine. I will be putting details and photos of the mounting system on here soon but it would work with any camcorder that has a tripod mounting thread on it's base. My camcorder does not have "NightShot".

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If i was you and could afford it i would definitly go with HD, the picture quality is so much better than ordinary video.

if you are able go to " http://vimeo.com/ " and look on the HD chanel then watch ordinary and you will see so much difference.

Hd will set you back starting from about £250 but it will last you for years to come. QVC have some good offers on sometimes.

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