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First hour shooting on new perm


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Finally got a new permission last thursday after trying to find some more land (for quite some time) and unfortunately wasnt able to shoot on it until last night (Monday) as i was away for the weekend. Was abit unsure about the best way to shoot so thought last night i'd go out for a walk to see whats about and best take the Beretta Semi with me. Threw on the jacket with a fistful of cart's in the pocket and set off for a walk. As i loaded the gun with the first two and walked behind an earth bund wall a jackdaw flew straight over my head, so bang and down it went, the shot terrified a rabbit about 30 yards in front of me racing towards its burrow in the dyke and bang over it went. Couldnt wipe the smile from my face and im sure the shine from my teeth was scaring the birds away haha.


Continued walking down the track towards a large set of trees which is full of nests and the black things flying everywhere. Loads of burrows in the sides of the dyke and as a rabbit ran along the edge i hit him from around 25yds, although it spun round and went down into the land drain. The shot scared another couple of rabbits which ran straight infront of me on the other side of the field. I missed with the first but hit it with the second.


Smile even bigger i wandered along the track and then back along the field to pick up the rabbit. Found a nice bush along the edge of the field that gave me a bit of cover and allowed me to look about. I noticed the crows were flying from a northern direction from the tip over the hill and over the top of me towards the large rows of trees that lined either side of the field. Waited and it wasnt long before i got my first crow. And they carried on coming over every 10 minutes or so, even manged my first pair. I was absoultly gutted when i reached into my pocket and could only feel one cart left.


I also managed to hit a pigeon which unfortunately i didnt quite kill. Although i did watch it try to glide its way down, failing and bouncing at least two foot off the ground. I watched to see if it was flapping and it wasnt so carried on shooting allthough when i went to find it all that remained was a few feathers.


All in all i finished getting 3 rabbits, two jackdaws, 6 carrion crows, and half a woodie. The first rabbit i shot, i laid up ontop of the earth mound to collect after my walkies but when i got back it had gone. Hoping this means there are a few foxes about. Two of the crows went down into the ditch as did a rabbit and without a boat or atleast a landing net i was unable to retrieve.


All in all a lovely little hour out shooting on what appears to be an absolutly brilliant permission. The next couple of months should see me hopefully land a few bags of crows and rabbit. Chuffed to pieces.


ATB and cheers for reading.




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