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silenced shotgun


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hello , i am thinking of getting a silenced shotgun . does the silencer need stripped and cleaned on these and if so how often . if anyone has experience of these and would like to give a opinion of which to buy and anything out of the ordinary to look out for when buying one .

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Depends what calibre you need but the popular ones are converted into Hushpower shotguns. People disagree but most people do clean under the screw off moderator. It is a simple tube with a few baffles at the muzzle. I just wipe my barrel clean. The mod is alloy and will not rust. I use one based on a s/b 12g Pedretti and use it for everything. .410s seem most popular. Really quiet. Just Google Hushpower. Breton Gaucher do a .410 bolt action too.

Of the .410s I think the Baikal ones are hard to beat.

Edited by vole
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I agree about the .410 noise level. That is with the right ammo tho. Pretty loud with 3in magnums I think but really quiet with 2 or 2 1/2 in ones.

The 12g is a hefty thumping sound but still far quieter than the normal guns. The baikal 12g is a massive gun.

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Never really clean my mod it's a ain to remove as it cakes up with soot and jams on. .410 mossy is great but quite 2" carts are pretty restrictive range wise so I tend to go for 3" no5s not that quiet but kill pigeons stone dead at 35yds or so.

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a moderated 410 pump, will be louder than a moderated 410 single


when using subsonics, its quite, 3" magnums a little lounder, but not much, no need for hearing protection, the firer will notice the discharge, but people 30yds plus away, will not notice the sound

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A moderated 410 with 3" cartridges 25 to 30 yards away is a mere "pop" in the background.


Clean the moderator and you will have to "run it in" again - a moderator only works to full effect after you have shoved about 100 to 150 shots through it and it starts to get a bit of coking to to absorb the resonation.

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There's no such thing as a 'silenced' gun...they are moderated.


It depends on the cartridges as to how much noise they make.


My HP/Mossberg 20 bore is quiet even using standard (fibre wad) cartridges the noise is more like a bolt being shot than a cartridge banging off and from any range at all there's almost no noise that you'd associate with a gun.


All my (working) guns are moderated, sgs and rifles, and I must admit to almost never cleaning them and that's putting 1000's of rounds through them. Once a year they get overhauled by the gunsmith, that's all.

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I've got a little baikal 410 hushpower which is unbelieveably quiet. Having never heard one before, when i first fired it i was unsure if it had even gone off, except for the pigeon falling from the sky. Couldnt believe it. The only problem i found was that it was not great for clean killing at any more than 25-30yds. Some people will disagree and say its my shooting and maybe they are right. I was using 3" 6 Shot and even when shooting stationary rabbits i still have to go and finish them off manually. I would definately suggest getting a multi shot as i found it to be a complete pain only having the single. It opens up so many more shooting oportunities as you dont scare everything within a half mile off with the first shot.





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