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Buying a gun

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Iv recently put in for my variations for my .223. And iv been told it could take a little while to come back. Which i thought was ok, iv waited a nearly 36yrs to get it. A few more weeks shouldn't hurt. I have the money there ready to buy a decent gun combo. But with the unfortunate occurance at Whitehaven. I'm left with a uneasy decision about buying a gun straight away when my ticket eventually comes through. Or shall i wait an see what restrictions if any, may be passed by this new government. I realy dont fancy paying a grant an half on a new combo. Only to be told that a bit later that there's a new restriction of some kind, that has been inforced and i may have to either give my gun up or some other scenario. I may be a little over reactionary. But you just never know what the powers that be may incure on us. Any thoughts on this post as to what you my fellow forum members would do in my situation. Buy the gun combo or wait. :yes:???:lol:

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As has already been said, even if new regulations were to come in, it won't be immediate so enjoy and experience while you can. Best case scenario, you will not be restriced further than you are now. Worst case.... well.... let's not get into that now but when the pistol ban came in we were offered retail price for the surrendered weapons so if the worst happened, hopefully you wouldn't be left out of pocket.


I have been thinking along similar lines as I was about to drop £500-1000 on reloading gear but if the worst happened, that would be worthless as there would no longer be a market for it and it's doubtful that compensation would be offered for anything other than the actual firearms.

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I agree with the others and just buy it.


To be honest,i think the only thing they might do is put shotguns and firearms on one certificate like the Irish do already.


Ooo, falling in line with NI (and IOM for that matter) All guns on FAC.... I can live with that, while we're on with aligning policies, can I have my Beretta 92 back please Mr Prime Minister :whistling:

Edited by Vipa
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can I have my Beretta 92 back please mr Prime Minister :good:


Yeah,dream on! :whistling:


But seriously,i cant really see them doing anything more than this because everything is everso strict already.They wouldnt ban guns because shooting is a mulitmillion pound industry and if they reduced the certificate expiry from 5 to 3 years-the Police wouldnt cope at renewal time.In my opinion the law is fine as it is.

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Yeah,dream on! :whistling:


But seriously,i cant really see them doing anything more than this because everything is everso strict already.They wouldnt ban guns because shooting is a mulitmillion pound industry and if they reduced the certificate expiry from 5 to 3 years-the Police wouldnt cope at renewal time.In my opinion the law is fine as it is.


I agree, Most forces struggle to meet with renewal time scales as it is.

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Thanks all. Very greatfull for your opinions and thoughts. And when my ticket finally drops on the matt. I will do a quick trip down my local dealers and spend my cash forth with. But though i'd just run my personl thoughts past you lot before i spent out. I would have been devastated if i had spent the money out. Then asked the question, only to find out that most of you would have kept it safe in the bank, till the pending storm rides itself out. Thanks all once again.




Gareth :whistling::good:

Edited by deputy dog
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