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At last! good bags on peas


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I've mentioned in other posts that i've been struggling to get a proper bag of pigeons on peas this year. The most i've managed to muster is 43 last week. My mate Sam from Essex was due to come up for a couple of days shooting, so i had to look around to find some fields that would give us the best chance.

I had a drive around on wednesday and thursday and one field stood out as very likely to produce some good sport. I shot 40 on this field a few weeks back but now there was well over a thousand birds using it. I was lucky enough to find another likely spot for day two. All i could do now was hope that the weather behaved and that someone else wouldn't beat me to the fields.

So to yesterday morning. I got set up by around 9am as i waited for sam to join me. It was overcast and windy. Birds were coming in before i even had the hide up, but as i was in a ditch i managed to shoot a few. There are a few decent flightlines here, but one in particular was very strong. We set about steadily building the bag- and with two magnets deployed the pigeons decoyed well.

It was an eventful day. We both managed a left and right out of 4 birds coming in. I shot 2 birds with one shot. A buzzard tried nicking a winged bird until i sent the dog after it. I also somehow managed to shoot one of the dead birds off the magnet arm- missing the bird swooping in behind it.

In the afternoon, the action hotted up. My best bag on peas before was a fairly modest 121( i think) but this was surpassed easily. The pigeons carried on coming in despite the showers we had. In the end, we had to pack up so we could get home to watch the England match -big mistake! I think we could have shot for maybe another half an hour or so, but we were delighted with our bag of 205.


This morning, feeling a little worse for wear and knackered,we had breakfast before departing to our field. I was pleased that no-one was already set up there. At around 9.30 am there were already plenty of pigeons on the field. Hundreds erupted from the nearby woods. I thought this may also be a good day.

We set up while the first of todays rain showers was in progress. We only used one magnet today, along with my usual mix of flocked shells and full bodied decoys. We made a cracking start. They were piling into the decoys straight away and we shot 30 in as many minutes. After two hours we had made 80 and i knew another 100+ was coming. Unlike yesterday though, the intermittent showers seemed to really slow things down. We used the lulls to have a good pick up. My yellow lab bitch turned black after retrieving out of the shallow ditches. The birds started drifting wide of the pattern, and despite alot of tinkering we just couldn't manage to get birds committing consistently like they had earlier.That said, we were still drawing them in, and passed the hundred by about 1.30pm. The main flightline almost died, and by 4pm we were sure that the pigeons had had enough. Another good day- 132 pigeons shot. Sorry- no pics!

Edited by motty
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