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My understanding is that it simply allows you to make the decision if (land for which you have permission) is suited to use the calibre of rifle you have.


This saves you having to get the Firearms dept to inspect and approve the land, you take this role and make the decision as an open license holder.

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All a bit daft really as it's is still the responsibility of the shooter to exercise judgement, use backstops etc.


I have land near me that's cleared for .243 but there large parts of it that I deem strictly air gun only for one reason or another.


...but as said above the wording changes when you have an open licence, closed certs say something like "land on which the shooter has permision and has been deemed suitable by the Chief of Police" (like he's going to come out and do the survey :angry: ), an open cert's wording has no mention of the chief of police determining suitability.


I had my FEO visit yesterday regarding a variation and asked if my FAC Air could be changed to be open, he said he didn't think you could have some calibres open and some closed... he's new, bless him :unsure:


After I educated him that is was perfectly normal to have some closed and some opened he said he didn't see a problem and would put through the recommendation to open my FAC Air.

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