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Red Letter Day!


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The phone rings ten minutes before the end of the England game. It was a farmer that I shoot rabbits for asking if I can come down to shoot some pigeons. They were getting on the mowing fields that had barley mixed in with it. Told me their were loads and.

“You know they will start on they barley fields when they’ve stripped the grass land.”

I packed all my equipment into truck. The rotary was left. Forgot to charge battery. Doh!

Arrived at farm drive only to go over cattle grid to be confronted with a flock of pigeons that I couldn’t even begin to count. I sat there for 5mins to see the flight lines only to discover they where coming in from every direction. So drove round the edge of field. Set up my hide, put 12 shells, 1 foam bouncer out & then drove truck down the hedge line out of the way. Check the time 5.30pm & start walking back to hide only to see the pigeons already down on my decoys & loads dropping in.

Sat myself in hide whilst dropped two shells in barrel the pigeons were coming back onto decoys. The fun began. They were coming at me from all directions & as soon as you fired they were coming back again. After about 20mins I thought I’d better have a clear up as they started getting spooked by unusual decoy pattern.

This bit amazed me. I leave the hide pick up some birds put behind hide & start walking back to pattern to retrieve the rest of the fallen when they start dropping in again. I’m still out in the open & walking towards them. Red Letter day or what?

Now I consider myself a complete novice with a shotgun, up until the end of last year I had not fired one for over 15 years. So here is the lesson I learned yesterday evening.

3 boxes of cartridges kept in store is not enough. It will never be enough & if your Red Letter day arrives like mine did & you’ve not got enough carts. You’re a dumb **** like me.

I was back home by 7.15pm I picked up 45 pigeon & can account for 10 that I couldn’t find in the long grass along side the hedges.

I really enjoyed my brief session & will be going back tomorrow, just got to go to gun shop today.

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