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Turnips and pigeons?


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One of my permissions is going to get drilled with turnips in the next few weeks, as cheap food for cattle this year (I think) , and to loosen up the soil for maize next year.


As the new shoots come up, will pigeons be intrested?

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I believe they are, could you explain to me the difference?






I think you'll find that these are sown more like wheat than maize if you get my drift (I can't think of the proper term), certainly scattered. They are a whole crop and are strip fed in situ. Pigeon will hit them early on and will continue to do so, possibly until the stock are feeding. However, as Henry indicated, it's much like clover and they'll hit it because there's not much else about at the time. Wheat/barley will pull them off it but if this is late sown they may go back if you loose your stubble to the plough sooner rather than later.


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