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the pelt man

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Hi All

Catcherpelt has bourght a new .17HMR and fitted a new LEI Moderator.

He was not happy with his zero and asked me to take a look.

I found that if you did not leave the the next shot until around 30 seconds after the first shot :yes: , the gases in the mod would effect the next shot placement.


Catcherpelt told me he had seen a report in the shooting times about Mods and it had been mentioned about the build up, but 30secs seems more than a bit extreme. Has anybody else had the same problem.


He is running 17grain bullets through, he has not tried the 22grain yet but is getting some this weekend.


The LEI mod set him back 120quid and for that price you would think you could fire the next round almost straight after the first.


In the shooting times the report said that this mod was around 28% quieter than others, but the guy only used his ears not electronic equipment :good:


Feed back please


PELTMAN :blush:

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I have the same LEI mod fitted to my anschutz .17, i dont have this problem. Ive regularly shot bullet after bullet with about 5 to 10 sec gap or the time it takes me to get another into the chamber, all grouped reasonably well to within half inch at hundred yards.

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