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seeds in dogs paws

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my springer bitch was limping so i checked her paw i found ahole in it between her claws saw some thing sticking out was amazed it was abarley seed about 2 inches long 2 days later i pulled a2nd one from the same hole day after that found a3rd between diferent claws is this common ihavebeen cleaning the wounds with detol and covering them with liverene they weep a bit but heal ok

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They are very common! Especially in spaniels. You can help a lot by cutting the hair short between the toes using clippers or a pair of sharp scissors.


They need removing, but dettol is very harsh. Hibiscrub is a lot gentler and available from chemists, horsey places and vets.


I wouldn't dress the wounds - leave them open so the air can get to things.


Sometimes the grass seed can bury the whole way in and track up the leg - this is when we have a problem.

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A springer of mine got a small lump on her "shoulder" which gradually got bigger and although it didn't bother her I took her to the Vet.

He poked it and lanced it and out with the pus came a grass seed (the one like a dart, we use to throw at each other as kids).

He said it was quite common and they get between the paws and work their way up the leg to the shoulder.

I have only heard of one other similar incident and that was also with a springer.

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Off on a little tangent. Last year my 16 month old spaniel was limping quite badly on one leg. On thorough investigation I noticed sevral black pin head sized spots on his pads. They were broken off thorns. He was very good, removed them with a needle and tweezers and bathed in hibiscrub. Back to normal the next day. Next stop would have been the vets.

Edited by Anthony.D
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My Bullmastiff once has an entire piece of chaff in his paw and after a bit of coaxing it came out!


You have to be so carefull with grass seeds though because they can be fatal.In the worst case scenario the seed can enter the blood stream and end up in the dogs heart-which will kill it.


A veterinary nurse gave me some great advice years ago when my previous dog continually got them in his paw.Allow the abcess to form,sterilise a needle,then lance the abcess and cover with magnesium sulphate.Cover the wound with a bandage for the day to keep it clean and to catch the muck which will come out.The magnesium sulphate should draw any foreign object from the body provided it hasnt gone too deep.I got atleast a dozen out of my old dogs paws with this method.


If you cant get it out-get the dog to a vet.

Edited by Imperfection
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thanks for the replys whot o problem i have since got a 3rd seed from the first hole it floated out now she had 3 ina very swollen back claw she has been running on cut hay fields now were going back to the woods to play i am now of to boots for some magnesium sulfate ive used sugar and soap on my self loads of times it definatly worfs

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Check spaniels ears as well as paws. both mine were scratching behind the ears and shakin their heads a lot, turned out that both had to go under anestetic to get seeds fron ear canal. not nice and costly. I always trim fur between feet before summer and check ears on a regular basis. you know what it feels like when you get one of these seeds in your sock! must be hell for the little blighters.

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