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pigeon wtahs the best surgestions


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alright guys just wondering what is the best surgestions for pigeons , im off tomoz with a mate to try and get a resnable bag but havent seen many and dont have alot of land , three main flieds are clover and wheat ,


any surgestions would be great

best regards edd

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If you know the flight lines you MAY be able to pull `em in on the clover. :lol: You may have a very long wait. ;) At least until the flocks have petered out and the birds are off the rape. :lol:


I`ve taken people out in the past, given them the choice of field, and then pulled birds down from a flight line, that is well established, on the way to the chosen field, (often a field they aren`t feeding on!!) :) I don`t envy your trip out edd, perhaps now you can let us know how you got on??

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lol it was a bit raged , me and mate worked a bit of cover through with his jack were we had 3 rabbits went to a pond had 2 teal , hen sat for pigeons had 6-7 , then did a bit of duck flighting and only shot a woodcock , which was my first :)



regards edd

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