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applying for firearms


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on the land i shoot over there is a big number of rabbits and also alot of deer have been appearing over the last couple of years as we have started planting alot of new hedges,


i have kept telling myself to print off the application form and get it filled in and sent off...


very bored at work and i decided today is the day so i have printed it off.


i just want to know what rifle would suit for shooting the roe that are about? i would also like to use the rifle i get when i go to scotland and pay for stalking is this allowed?

what do i put on the application where it asks where the land is i will shoot over!?


i have decided on a semi 22 rimfire for the rabbits

but i dont know a great deal about the best calibre for deer (i may also use it to clear up foxes around lambing time.


any help and advice would be muchly appreciated


cheers guys



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.243 would be my choice for deer & vermin (Fox up our way) as for land you will have to supply written permission for the land over where you shoot etc etc


But i was going to just pay for a days stalking somewhere on an estate up in scotland, how do i get written permission from them, i may only go once every couple years, or would it just be easier to use an estate rifle?

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.243Win is the best for Fox AND Deer use. You can shoot a huge range of bullet weights from 55-100+grn


The other option is...


6.5x55 for Deer only work.



sorry this may seem a stupid question to some but

what does 'Win' mean??

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Win means Winchester - as in .243Win, .308Win


Rem means Remington - as in .223Rem .260Rem


There are a few others about too :good:





whats the difference between winchester and remington then?

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I'd suggest .243 for Deer and Fox and .22LR for the rabbits, if you have Roe on the land you currently shoot just use that for the land on your application.


...and don't forget to apply for moderators too, they have to be applied for separately

Edited by Colster
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I'd suggest .243 for Deer and Fox and .22LR for the rabbits, if you have Roe on the land you currently shoot just use that for the land on your application.


...and don't forget to apply for moderators too, they have to be applied for separately



I think going by what i have read and from these comments i will go for .243



LR is?? i am guessing rimfire is RF?? and why LR for rabbits


if i put the land i shoot over on my ticket can i use the gun on other land if i get invited to lamp or something on the odd occasion?

Edited by TJ91
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can i suggest you find someone locally who will take you under their wing and give you guidance/experience - you'll learn a load and in turn it will make your application a lot easier.


i have been out many times with people with rifles, my good friend has a 22 rimfire and a 17 hmr he uses for rabbits, and my grandad had a .222 for fox on his farm in scotland...

I will be going upto see a local keeper sometime soon to annoy him with a few more questions i have.

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and .22LR for the rabbits



why LR instead of rimmy??


Oh and another question, can i use my shotgun cabinet for the rifles and buy a seperate ammo safe??

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I was issued my FAC about two years ago and initially it was for a FAC air rifle for rabbit work but I have obtained more land and I added a .22 rim for this and asked about putting a .243 for the deer, the .22 was easy enough to get but due to the size shot used for the .243 it was slightly harder.


I had to prove the reason for this and also show that I have had experiance with the larger caliber b shooting a local club and also being taken out with a mentor for about 5 sessions.


Have you ever shot a deer? It is a totally different ballgame so best do some reaserch before rushing off.

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and .22LR for the rabbits



why LR instead of rimmy??


Oh and another question, can i use my shotgun cabinet for the rifles and buy a seperate ammo safe??


Rimfire includes .22LR, .17HMR & .22WMR - I would go for LR as it's the quietest of the three. On your application you can just put .22RF.


Yes you can use the same cabinet, just keep the bolt and ammo in separate safe.

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I was issued my FAC about two years ago and initially it was for a FAC air rifle for rabbit work but I have obtained more land and I added a .22 rim for this and asked about putting a .243 for the deer, the .22 was easy enough to get but due to the size shot used for the .243 it was slightly harder.


I had to prove the reason for this and also show that I have had experiance with the larger caliber b shooting a local club and also being taken out with a mentor for about 5 sessions.


Have you ever shot a deer? It is a totally different ballgame so best do some reaserch before rushing off.



yep i have shot deer and fox before in scotland,

i know it is totally different, but the ghillie up there showed me alot and its not something i will ever forget

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