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Which Leupold scope is this?


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Okay, the end of the scope says Leupold Miii long range. It's got 3 turrets which are rather "tactical" and target looking.


It's a 3.5-10x40 with duplex reticule and a side wheel that looks like some sort of parallax focus adjustment.










Now, I thought the "Miii" bit meant Mark 3. However, I can't find any sniff of a Mark 3 Leupold looking anything like this.


The closest I can find is something called an M3 Mark 4 (Leupold 3.5-10x40 LR/T M3 Mark 4 Duplex 30mm Matte) here:




SO, before I knock this out (it's too tactical for me) can someone please sanity check my deductions. Mind you, I was surprised how bright and clear the optics were and if I could find a use / rifle for it, I'd probably keep it.


Ta very

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that is a very nice scope, the black ring on the objective suggests it it a mk4 but should say so on that ring(have you even bothered looking yet :shoot: )

the m3 indicates the turret type im guessing its a single turn 1moa per click?

either way i want it :wub:

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