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where to train

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Hi Guys

I have been training my 4 month old lab 2 x each day and so far i am reasoably pleased with the results.As i work on a farm i tend to train him during my lunch hour and after work limiting the time to about 25 mins.I also have been training in different areas so he dosent get bored and he always seems to give me his attention UNTIL..... This evening on the way home i stopped not at one of the farms but our local playing fields come beauty spot.Well i did manage for him to walk to heel but all the time he had his nose to the floor sniffing every dog in the world has been through these areas and i couldnt keep his attention the training had to cease.So heres my question is it bad for him to get in the habit of having his nose to the floor when healing i dont really want him put off using his nose but when heeling he misses any turns i make or should i be including these areas into his training so as to add a distraction.

As his training has so far been done on farm land in the evening i have been taking him for a walk roadside as he hasnt experianced traffic hope im doing things right...please help.

Thanks Lee

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very young yet don't get too wrapped up in bringing him on to too high a std. I have the same issue with my GWP living in an isolated farm location. visits to town send him nuts, other dogs and lots of great smells, town dwellers have it the other end which i suppose is worse for a gundog getting all het up about a few hares :welcomeani: Picture the embarassment when he points on a bunch of dumb Ferals in the town centre and i have to let him flush before we can move on :no:

Two cures 1. don't take them 2. take them lots. :o

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very young yet don't get too wrapped up in bringing him on to too high a std. I have the same issue with my GWP living in an isolated farm location. visits to town send him nuts, other dogs and lots of great smells, town dwellers have it the other end which i suppose is worse for a gundog getting all het up about a few hares :) Picture the embarassment when he points on a bunch of dumb Ferals in the town centre and i have to let him flush before we can move on :lol:

Two cures 1. don't take them 2. take them lots. :hmm:


Thats so funny made me laugh..

Thanks for your help


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I had a similar thing with my Gwp. Most of his training has been on our own on the farm and if I ever take him into town all he wants to do is play with the other dogs. I really dont mind this as he is a roughshooting dog and is not likley to encounter other dogs while out shooting. If he runs off to play with another dog I can call him back easy enough whick is the most important thing. I suppose it depends what you want to do with the dog. If he is going to work with other dogs then get him a bit more used to them.

Kent, my Gwp don't point cats he just picks them up and shakes them as hard as he can until I can throttle him!



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its fine pointing things till they get hold of one in public, mine also can't go off the lead in certain areas where we are likely to see cats as she will do everything possible to get at them even if they go through their own cat flap :) its one of the few things she doesn't even bother pointing and just gives chase. Amusing in our garden but not so in other peoples.


Back to the original question lots of socialisation sounds necessary and other dogs will get less interesting as time goes on and your dog gets older. I found a few country shows were good for giving mine more dogs than she wanted to meet

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