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A few more rabbits for the freezer.


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Had a look out lamping last night as I have only been shooting through the day lately. I pulled onto the first field switched the lamp on and there were rabbits everywhere as the field (grass) had just been cut the previous day. With my mate working the lamp on the Land Rover I proceeded to shoot 16 rabbits out of the field with my HMR before the rest decieded to scarper.

Moving onto the next field I was working the lamp whilst my mate used my 22. He accounted for a further 17 all shot within 60yrds as the rabbits just seemed to clap up in the cut grass Big mistake !. We then decieded to try a couple of new fields that I recently got permission on but these are to be walked as the terrain is a bit iffy. We took turns with the lamp and my 22 as we were only 25yrds from houses and it was 2:00am so decided using the HMR wouldn't be very fair on the neighbours. With the 22 on my longest bipod 27" I layed down and shot another 13 rabbits including the first black one of the night.

We then swapped over and my mate stasrted to shoot and to our supprise he also shot 13 including a black one (not as big as my black one but black all the same) after carrying these to the Land Rover we decieded to stop for a cuppa so camping stove out and kettle on. By the time we had finished our cuppa we decieded to go back to the first two fields as we knew that the rabbits would be back out. After pulling into the fields me shooting the HMR and my mate lamping I shot the last 11 rabbits of the night from the Land Rover. It turned out to be quite a decent night as it was pitch black with very little wind, not what I was expecting but I can't complain at the outcome 70 rabbits was our final bag at the end of the night.



post-12981-1281878447.jpg post-12981-1281878462.jpg


Will get a better picture up later on didn't realise how bad the picture was.

Edited by Luckyshot
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