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Lamping and Lenses


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I've been lamping very successfully for bunnies on my permission. I bought the gun lamp with a red filter but never used it and the white light beam was fantastic and give me a perfectly illuminated shot. Just recently Ive noticed the bunnies being far more skittish and darting away if I dont take my shot within a few seconds. So I switched to the red filter. Immediately I noticed that the light was no where near as good and probably only good for up to 50 yards but the bunnies were definitely not as scared of it and stood still for longer.


Does this sound about right in the grand scheme of lamping, am I using the right filters for bunnies? Any hints or tips appreciated!

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It helps to get a few different colours, they will get scared of red eventually then you can switch to amber, green etc. I don't use blue though for the obvious reasons. Eventually I'll end up going back to red (currently on amber and they're still happy to sit there). It works for me anyhow.

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