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Moving house


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Hi All,


In the light of some recent issues I'm moving house, to another county. Obviously I need to let the rozzers know I'm moving guns to another house, couple of questions.


Do I move the cabinet and guns then contact FEO, or do the guns need to go somewhere until the cabinet and house has been approved?


Also, as I'm moving to another county (Leciestershire to Notts) what do I do about my FAC/SGC? Do I remain licensed by Leicestershire or do Notts 'take over' the certs?



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Last time i moved it was from Bucks to Cornwall, I kept the guns with me in the cabinet in my truck and i installed the cabinet in my new house once there. I then informed Cornwall Police and they came out about 3 weeks later.


Mind you it was 11 years ago, so everything might of changed so just ignore me :cry1:

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I would suggest contacting Notts firearms department as you are moving into there area, ask them what them the requirement if you can move with the guns and install then get it checked or do they want to see the cabinet first before you move your guns in.

Might be a case of asking a friendly RFD if he can babysit for a few days if needed.

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If you read your FAC you will see that it requires you to inform your issuing chief of police of any change in your permanent address.


As you are responsible for your guns security you should install your cabinet when you arrive at your new home or make alternative arrangements until you can and write to your issuing firearms department notifying them of your new address. They will then pass your file on to your new firearms dept. who will make contact with you and issue you with a new FAC and probably check your security arrangements. You should keep your old FAC until you have the new one.

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