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Took my daughter for a hawk walk


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To cut a long story short, my ex wife is trying to stop me taking our daughter hunting when she stays with me, so she is making me basically sign a weapons ban when I am with my daughter (I enjoy air rifles and Archery). As I have to stick to the temporary court order I took my daughter ferreting at easter (we only got one rabbit but the pressure I was under to catch it was unbelievable - my daughter (6 at the time) kept muttering "I only want to get one rabbit, I hope we catch one rabbit".), and doing some falconry for for her 7th birthday which she said was the best present she had ever had, it was even better than when she got her nintendo ds! I took her for a Hawk walk where, 1 to 1, she flew a harris hawk, a barn owl and the most beautiful kestrel I' d ever seen.


Anyone here take their kids out with them when they are enjoying whatever country sport is their thing? My daughter would love to give archery a go, but sticking to my guns may mean I lose the access I already have? Love to hear from anyone with any advice.





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is it legal that she can ban you from taking your own daughter out shooting :hmm: or is it just something she has put forward


Probably not, but in reality she has me over a barrel as she already withheld contact for 5 months, and I only got access with the interim court order if I agreed that she would not be brought into contact with any weapons. This being despite the fact that she was bringing her up Jehova's Witness against my will, tried to move to canada, etc (I managed to block that) , even though I have parental responsiblity. I thought if contacting the GNAS regarding archery - my view is that if my daughter wants to try it it is her choice. Best I can hope for is a shooting fishing falconry judge that isn't too backwards, but as I say I don't want to lose the access I already have again.

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well i as a kid you might say, count myself extremely lucky to have my grandfather who took me out from 12-13 years old, i am utterly hooked, some i know just arent interested so its no use trying to push her into anything, if shes enjoying it then she'll want to keep doing it with you and she might even win her mum over to let her go shooting :hmm:

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My eldest daughter now eleven has been fishing caught her first Trout on Worm aged about three first on fly at five. been wildfowling on an easy and safe flash under the moon at eight. Shoots a .22 better than most of the blokes at the club she was previously a member at, shame she is limited to air power at home now. She used to pile downstairs in the morning if i had been out seatrouting to "take the custard out of them" when she was just a tot. Got exited at the prospect of fresh fillet from about five or six when deer were hanging at home :hmm:

My youngest at 5 now refuses to eat anything that she believes was once alive, chicken nuggets being one of the few exeptions to this but i fear she might be right on this one who ever heard of a Hen with nuggets. I am still very married to her mum and neither of us know were she gets it

Mate keep on it don't give up ever period, with rules like that in place she (the child) will only want to do it more and more as she gets older. Forbiden fruit and all that. If it is in her blood it's there for good but if it aint i dont think you can put it there

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good luck m8 i know what you are going through it took 2 years for me to see my daughter now 14 my advise would be to spend time maybe showin her how to make nets etc . One to one basically to keep the courts sweet cos most of the time they have the mothers interest not yours sad but true . One day she will be old enough to make her own mind up and do what she wants . It might be a while but every day is one day sooner . All the best :good:

Edited by mad1
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  • 3 weeks later...
Thanks everyone for your supportive comments.

I took mine ferreting when she was six all she did was moan about being cold and board, she comes fishing with me now and again but will not eat meat easly think she wants to come ferreting this year. hope my two year old will be my hunting and fishing partner

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