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DTL photos?


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I'm after a photo of some people shooting down the line. As much as I'm keen for a photo, I'm avoiding the bog standard photo with everyone in focus. So I'm after something with a good depth of field. Colours I'm not so fussed about, as I can tart it up in Photoshop if needed.


It's for a mock up of a website which I am presenting to a client, so I'll let you know if it is needed.


Thanks :good:




I will also be happy with a photo which shows a line of shooters at an event or the like. I'm sure you get the sort of photo I'm after now!

Edited by Billy.
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Something like this ?

you are welcome to browse this link




Thanks, but I'm really after a number of people. It's to head up an 'Events' page, so a number of people taking part in something is what I'm trying to get.


Have you tried a Google Images search?




I have, but I'm fussy about copyrights on images, as you can land in deep poo if you pinch a photo from the wrong person...!

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more like this you mean


Yes and no... It's what I want, but it needs to have that 'look' to it.


The depth of field effect is something that really brings out the beauty in a photo. For example;




That's what I want for a DTL photo....!


Thanks everyone for trying though :good:

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So you are after a group photo with a 'narrow' depth of field as in the example you gave. :good:


In the example you gave the F number is f1.8, this is a low f number which in turns means an increased aperture diameter = narrow depth of field


I havent done any photography for a while now - hope im not confused

Edited by Marcus
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So you are after a group photo with a 'narrow' depth of field as in the example you gave. :good:


In the example you gave the F number is f1.8, this is a low f number which in turns means an increased aperture diameter = narrow depth of field


I havent done any photography for a while now - hope im not confused


I think F1.8 is a bit much. I've got a 1.8 lens and I've found it can sometimes ruin a picture, as you end up with blurry ears on a close up of a single person...!


Still, I am being a bit lazy, as I did pop up to the clay ground earlier and forgot to take my camera... Mind you, they don't do DTL.

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