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22.250 help!


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hi mate the book says col is 2.350. this is set so that is the length that bullet will feed right from a mag.


as for what shoots best its hard to say it could shoot better with a longer col then this or shorter. i would start with that and see how you go.


best way tho is to get a oal guage. see what your rifle is then your nowhere the lands are and can work from there

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You can make your own AOL gauge easily enough, get a resized case and put a junior hacksaw cut in one side of the neck. Insert a head that you are going to use making sure it can be pushed into the case firmly, insert it just a few ml into the case. Carefully put the round into the chamber and close the bolt, extract carefully and measure, do this 3 or 4 times, each time its removed take a measurement, pull bullet head back out and repeat. This will give you an accurate aol of that type of bullet head. Once you know how long it is to touch the lands, start 20thou back and do several loads at differant lengths and see how it shoots.

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