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oh dear oh dear


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Well I've just told the wife to be that i'm applying for my FAC and will be getting a .22 Rimfire in due couse. She was not too pleased but I just smiled. She then asked where I was gonna get the money. So I told her I'd just make a little more with my odd jobbing after work etc.


Her return was "Why dont you make alittle extra for us?:devil:"


I cant win!!


Still gonna get a rifle if i'm successful with the FAC application

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:lol: Great post.

I once swaped a really old hornet that i had for a long time and the fella before me had for a long time too, for a new Anstutz Hornet :devil:

Made money on the quiet when i told her i was hunting :lol:

She never noticed the change of rifles, even when i was cleaning them in front of her. :o :devil:

She knows me better now, will never get away with it these days. :lol:

I did confess to her 2 years down the line though :*) , when she just happen to mention one day how my rifle looked as good as new after so many years. :lol:

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Wht dont ye break the news to them when there beloved soaps come on in the evening.

My lady goes in to a trance once they start and this is when i break all my "good news to her " and i get away with it


Long live Emerdale, Coranation street and Eastenders ! :blink:

:blink: My misses is likewise John. :)

I must try this next time, cheers. :):)

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When I had had my 12 bore for a while, I thought i'd like to have a play with a 20g so i went out and bought one, didn't tell the wife, but then showed it her when I got back with it. Said it would suit her and I'd like her to come shooting with me.


GUESS WHAT, she came shooting with me and loved it, so in the end i had the stock shortened to suit her, so now its hers, just on my license.


THEN, I went out and bought myself another (much nicer) 20g so that I could shoot with the same calibre as her ( You know, not taking loads of different boxes, it makes a lot of sense to some )


HEY HEY, I have what I want, and a missus who enjoys coming with me. GREAT


No ear ache here

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