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Another cracking afternoon on maize stubble

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After yesterdays good bag on the way home from the garden centre a small detour to one of my smallest farms a mere 200 acres .

I came across a field of drilled wheat with a maize stubble next to it some birds where tracking across it in numbers .

Aquick whizz home load the gear back to the field around 1400hrs some time was getting on but the weather was again perfect good breeze and a clear blue sky.


I had not held back any birds for the whirly but needed not to worry as shot two within mins put the whirly and all hell let loose .

It was a crazy 2 1/2 hrs and even when the farmer turned up to mow the stubble to aid ploughing in they still poured in .


Finnished with 74 .


All the best OTH




Decoy pattern standard horseshoe shape with whirly slighty to the right of the head of the shoe.




My hide under a small ash tree if its a large tree I normally place my hide 20 yards outside to allow to shot birds coming into them.You can see the wheat drilling behind that was also drawing the birds.




And the picture of the finally tally minus the two picked on the way out off the field.


Kind regards OTH

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My hide under a small ash tree if its a large tree I normally place my hide 20 yards outside to allow to shot birds coming into them.You can see the wheat drilling behind that was also drawing the birds.


i like that setup oth.


The bolded part just made me look at my approach to that tree, bearing in mind its rook/jacks i would be decoying.

I would probably have been back against the tree, and certainly of had the right hand side {as you view the photo, left hand side looking out of hide} covered with cut big branches {even if i had to hang them by rope from higher branches.}, any over hanging branches blocking my view, and were too high for me to get at, i would just shoot, until they snapped after i was setup and sat down.


I can see you know what your doing tho, no doubt.


be lucky.

Edited by manxman2
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