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Funny things


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Whats the funniest thing that has happend while you have been in the hide?

For example.... A few years ago while in the hide pigeon shooting a woman walking her dog decided she needed (to spend a penny)

She decided to walk in to the copse were I was set up and lifted her skirt ect and decided to let it flow ;) she wasnt aware that I was there about 20ft away!

I didnt move a muscle, im sure if I had moved she would have been doing more than spending a penny!!

30 seconds later she stood up, sorted her self out and went on her merry way never knowing I was there!

Crikey did I laugh when she had gone!

All this was before Real Tree camo

:*) All the best


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I once saw a man take an exceedingly high pheasent, one of the ones where all shots stop and everyone gasps as this stonker magestically flys form over the ridge, where the atmosphere is so tangable it is like a curry with extra extra extra strong chillpowder, anyway back to the point (sorry i have been writing english course work and fealing inspired :/ ) so this man eventually squeezes and the bird falls, all eyes following its tragectory, right onto a car's windscreen, my dad's car :( he looked at it an chuckled. This was my queue :unsure: :):P and so did everyone else, the guy who shot the bird willingly offered to pay :/:)

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  • 6 months later...

Not quite a funny story from the hide, but may still raise a smile.


Was talking to this old farmer about catching rabbits at the weekend, and this is what he told me. Don't know if it's true or not but it's funny all the same.



Apparently there was this chap who found that another bloke in the village had been screwing his wife. The bloke in question was well known for growing large vegetables which he entered into the shows and won many prizes.


The chap then went out and caught a large number of rabbits (this was before myxamatosis when they were everywhere), went into the blokes grden when he was away down the pub and released them into the cloches and cold frames!!!



:D:D B)

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:D I was in the Hide on about the very first time I had been taken out by a friend to do some pigeon shooting and a hot air bloon landed in the field behind us it then took off and came right over us with the people in the basket shouting dont shoot!! It wasnt so much funny but strange. Theres tons of air bloons round my way and eveeryone always makes jokes about bringing one down. :D
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